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Our philosophy is to present to our students, as clearly as possible, the Word of God as the authoritative source upon which to build a life that has purpose and meaning.


We care about each child individually, striving not to compare, but to appreciate the precious rhythm of each one’s growth. Every child needs to develop intellectually, socially, and physically. Children will be exposed to many songs, stories, poems, games and field trips. They will have opportunities to create in our classrooms, perform in our Christmas and Spring music programs, and experience fun, hands-on activities taught by compassionate teachers.


Genoa Christian Academy Preschool curriculum is designed to help children learn Christian values and biblical truths while meeting the Ohio Department of Education Early Learning and Development Standards. Click on "About/Resources" above for required forms. Contact Preschool Director Janelle Willison with questions:


Click here for full details about our competitive tuition rates, fees, and deadlines.

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5 Full-Days or 3 Half-Days

Age 3 by August 1​

Our 3-year-olds will engage in Bible stories that teach and encourage character and Christian living.  They will also study letters and sounds that encourage the letter and sound recognition. Animal and alphabet friends help to develop their language skills and art for three-year-olds aids in the development of motor skills and craft concepts in sequence with letters and sounds for their age.


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2, 3 or 5 Full-Days

Age 4 by September 30

Our 4-year-olds will engage in Bible stories that teach and encourage character and Christian living.  They will study phonics-based reading readiness with activities in recognition, sound, and formation of long and short vowels, consonants, and one-syllable words with one or two vowels. They will also utilize the ABC writing tablet as they practice letters with tracing exercises.


3 or 5 Full-Days

Age 5 by December 31

Our 5-year-olds will engage in Bible stories that teach and encourage character and Christian living.  They will study number skills and gain an understanding of number concepts and formation through 100, strive for proficiency in addition/subtraction, telling time, counting money and number words. They will also utilize the ABC writing tablet as they practice letters with tracing exercises.

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