Our high school offers a lifelong advantage by integrating biblical truths into every aspect of student life. An atmosphere of high expectation and support for the students maximizes their high school experience in a distinctively Christian school. Students make life-changing relationships with Christian teachers and students who share your teen's faith.
GCA provides tremendous opportunities to excel. Give your plans a head start by earning free or low-cost college credit through the College Credit Plus program while still in high school. Broaden horizons with travel during our Senior Class Trip. Dive into tech with our robotics class. Design the school yearbook. Step into the spotlight in our theater department. Lead worship as part of the Praise Band. Race to the top with our interscholastic sports teams. There is a place for everyone to shine at GCA.
While Genoa Christian Academy utilizes various curriculum resources from Glencoe, Houghton Mifflin, Prentice Hall, Summit Ministries, ACSI and Positive Action, all of our classes are centered on the authority of God’s Word and infused throughout with Biblical truth. Our classrooms promote critical thought and a global view of the world as students are taught to engage the world with Biblical truths and action.
A well-rounded program of academics, sports and arts combined with caring and highly qualified Christian teachers make GCA an exceptional environment for Christian high school students.
Please call the office at 740-965-5433 or email gca@genoachristianacademy.org for more information or to arrange a personal tour of our facilities.


Step Into The Spotlight
Genoa Christian Academy offers a full range of creative opportunities, including theater, music, digital and studio arts. Scroll down for details.

Fiddler on the Roof

Fiddler on the Roof


Fiddler on the Roof
It is our heartfelt desire to create a program where every student has an opportunity to participate and every student can shine. The GCA Drama Department is truly unique due to the extremely high level of participation across all grade levels of our Middle and High School. We take pride in the fact that nearly everyone in the student body gets involved in our theater productions.
Students learn basic theater skills and fundamentals such as character development, stage movement, vocal techniques and improvisation. Students may perform in the GCA Talent Show and have the opportunity to audition for the annual fall play and spring musical.
Previous productions include:
Robin Hood
The Sound of Music
The Riveters
Mary Poppins
Little Women
Singin' in the Rain
The Jungle Book
Peter Pan
Sherlock Holmes
My Fair Lady
Anne of Green Gables
It's a Wonderful Life
Robin Hood
Beauty and the Beast
Alice in Wonderland
Fiddler on the Roof

3D Printing

Traditional fine arts

Digital art

3D Printing
Visual Art
The GCA Visual Art program uses a STEAM approach that incorporates 3D printing, coding, graphic design, digital painting, and animation. Students experience a broad range of traditional visual arts including ceramics, drawing, painting, and sculpture, as well as digital mediums.
Elementary students have a Visual Arts class each week with a combination of traditional studio art and the latest art technology.
Upper Academy students may choose from art electives such as Ceramics, Digital Photography, Makerspace, and Illustration. High school students may apply to the GCA Art Honor Guild, an extracurricular student org that provides enrichment opportunities for high school students who demonstrate outstanding scholarship in the visual arts. Exhibition opportunities include the Elementary Spring Art Show and animation screenings at our Upper Academy Talent Show.

Elementary students enjoy a weekly music class and perform during our Christmas Show and K-5 Spring Musicals. Fourth grade students perform in a special recorder concert. Fifth grade students have the option of additional study by joining our school band. Strings instruction (violin or viola) is also offered for some grade levels. The GCA strings program is growing as interest and participation increases.
Middle and High School Music electives include but are not limited to:
Mixed Choir: Students are encouraged to use their gifts for God’s glory and to praise Him through song. Choir students will build vocal skills, ensemble skills, as well as lasting friendships in the choral classroom.
Beginning Orchestra and Advanced Strings Ensemble students gain a strong foundation in instrument posture/set-up, ear training, and beginning reading skills through Suzuki-informed pedagogy. Weekly classroom activities
are designed to keep the fun in learning, with carefully sequenced and reinforced skills. Parental support contributes to student success.
Students coming to GCA with prior instrumental study will find continued opportunities for music making in the orchestra setting, whether beginning, intermediate, or advanced. With the opening of our new Upper Academy
state-of-the-art performing arts spaces, students will continue to have greater opportunities to grow as orchestra instrumentalists. All ensembles perform in one concert each semester, and students may participate in OMEA Solo and Ensemble Festival.
GCA Students of every level may participate in a week-long Summer Orchestra Camp, typically offered in June.
Praise Band: Students will develop their musical abilities as they take an active role in leading worship during weekly chapel services.